Farm tour pt 3: New pigs

In the third installment we’ll show you what we do when new pigs arrive on the farm. We also have a brief appearance from my little helper, Bobby.

New pigs on the farm

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Pastured poultry is coming soon

I have booked my processing dates and ordered the chicks, we will have baby chicks on farm the week of March 21st and they will be going to the processor May 22nd.  I will be picking them up the 24th and I will have on farm pickup May 25th and May 26th.  I am opening up orders now for our first batch, contact us now to support our farm and make sure you get some of the best chicken you can purchase.

Before you place your order, allow me to tell you a little about what you are purchasing and why you can feel good about your purchase.  For our first run, we will be selling only whole birds.  While that may be a little different than what you are used to purchasing from the grocery store, don’t let that intimidate you.  There are a lot of benefits to getting the whole chicken.  The bones and the skin both provide a lot of nutritional value that are not present when you buy boneless, skinless chicken breast.  Purchasing the whole bird allows you to get the breast and the wings without paying the markup that would be on those cuts if they were purchased individually and the other cuts will allow you to try out new recipes and make stock.  Or you can just cook the bird whole on the grill or in the oven.  Whichever way you choose I know you will enjoy the superior flavor and quality of a pasture raised chicken.  Speaking of quality, these birds will be fed exclusively gmo free feed, never be given antibiotics, and be on fresh grass everyday after they leave the brooder.

We are now accepting orders for the first batch.  Since pickup will be the weekend before Memorial Day get some birds to grill out with your friends and family.  Our next run of poultry will not be processed until sometime in the summer, most likely early July, so be sure to get some now.  There are 75 birds available for pre order so get on the list today.


Microgreens and other ideas to maximize my small acreage

As some of you guys know, I currently only have access to 1.6 acres of land.  I am hoping to change that in the future but I’m also looking at ways to make the most out of what I have.  Throughout this whole journey I have felt that raising livestock was my passion and the direction I really wanted to go.  That has not changed for me but I am also looking at other possibilities to bring my customers more of the high quality food they have come to expect from me.

One of the first possibilities that come to mind are raising microgreens.  For people that aren’t aware, microgreens are plants that are raised for about 7-10 days before they are harvested and consumed.  They are extremely nutritious and good for you and very tasty.  They can be added to burgers, sandwiches, salads, used as a garnish; the possibilities are endless.  I am currently experimenting with black oil sunflower but I have ordered some radish and peas to have a little variety.  These things are delicious and can really add an extra dimension to whatever you are having.  I want to give some away to my loyal customers while I’m starting out and get some feedback so reach out to me if you would like to try some.  I’ll be sure to post again when I have some available for sampling.

Another thing I am considering is rabbit farming.  This is something that would be coming on next year at the earliest but I really want to know what you guys think about this.  Have you ever had rabbit?  Was it wild or domestic?  It is a rarely served meat in America, though that is starting to change, particularly at high end restaurants.  In Europe and other parts of the world rabbit meat is very common and appreciated.  Farming it has a lot of benefits as well.  Unlike poultry, which will always require some grain be fed to the animals, rabbit farming can be truly regenerative.  It can also be done in a small area and it is considered an extremely healthy meat to consume.

On top of that I am still looking at doing some tomatoes and salad greens next season as well as possibly some other veg.  I am certainly open to suggestions so please do reach out and let me know what other produce you might want or what you think of my other plans I have laid out.  It is winter and it is cold outside, this is the time of year for staying in, spending time with family, planning what is to come in the future, and sneaking out when the weather allows to take care of some chores outside.  I hope all of you are having a great month of December and I will talk to you soon.

Time to get to work

I have been hard at work doing the leg work on the farm to get ready for this spring, which will be the official launch of the farm.  Building tractors, setting up grow lights, prepping beds, etc. are the fun things to do.  They are the reason we get into farming and there is no farm without those things.  But there is another side that is often neglected.

I established this blog a couple weeks ago but have done little with it.  That will be changing.  I have been focusing on my Facebook page and that will not change but I need to put more into the other channels to truly be ready to launch the farm.  I will be making an effort to be more active on my website, on Instagram, and to tie these all together to make a comprehensive marketing and publicity arm.  If there are other places you guys think I should go, let me know and I will look into them.  I want to take every opportunity to show all of our customers exactly how we do things and show that we really are producing the best.

As anybody who follows this site or my farm knows or will soon find out; I am far from a professional.  In my opinion that is nothing to be ashamed of.  My pledge to you is to always be honest and upfront with what I am doing.  I believe that my continuous attempts to bring my loyal customers the best food they can eat will be even more appreciated when people see the human, imperfect side of things.  With that being said, sign up for our email list, try some of the best food you can get, and become a part of our family as we start this journey together.

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me.

Thanks for joining me!  This is a website and blog about a dream of mine, a dream to farm the right way.  I intend to document the daily activities of my farm in an effort to better educate potential customers and people interested in regenerative farming.   We are located on the western edge of Fayette County, just miles from Memphis on only 1.6 acres.  While our size certainly presents challenges it also presents opportunities to manage an operation in a way people who farm much larger farms could not.  So lets come along for the ride and see what we can do to produce real food the right way.