I have been hard at work doing the leg work on the farm to get ready for this spring, which will be the official launch of the farm. Building tractors, setting up grow lights, prepping beds, etc. are the fun things to do. They are the reason we get into farming and there is no farm without those things. But there is another side that is often neglected.
I established this blog a couple weeks ago but have done little with it. That will be changing. I have been focusing on my Facebook page and that will not change but I need to put more into the other channels to truly be ready to launch the farm. I will be making an effort to be more active on my website, on Instagram, and to tie these all together to make a comprehensive marketing and publicity arm. If there are other places you guys think I should go, let me know and I will look into them. I want to take every opportunity to show all of our customers exactly how we do things and show that we really are producing the best.
As anybody who follows this site or my farm knows or will soon find out; I am far from a professional. In my opinion that is nothing to be ashamed of. My pledge to you is to always be honest and upfront with what I am doing. I believe that my continuous attempts to bring my loyal customers the best food they can eat will be even more appreciated when people see the human, imperfect side of things. With that being said, sign up for our email list, try some of the best food you can get, and become a part of our family as we start this journey together.