You will see it frequently said, by our farm and others, but do you understand what beyond organic really means and why it is different? In my last post I discussed why labels can be problematic at best. At the end of the day that’s what beyond organic means, it means better than the label that is on meat and veggies at the grocery store; but why is it better?
The first problem with labels is that somebody has to be the deciding party. When consumers abdicate the responsibility of learning about what goes into their body to a third party, they instantly become less connected with their food. When you add in the fact that the ever inefficient and inept government is making and enforcing the standards you wind up with a product that isn’t what you, the consumer, expects or desires.
Another problem with labels and standards is inherent and unavoidable. If you are allowed to be 12% bad and still get the gold star, what incentive is there to only be 2% bad? This problem is certainly not limited to the realm of food but I do not know where it could be more important. The old adage “you are what you eat” still and will always ring true. On one hand you have lobbyist in Washington spending big dollars to be able to write loophole after loophole into law to benefit the big producers at the expense of all of us. On the other hand you have local farmers who do it right and want you to come see for yourself.
If you live in Memphis or the surrounding areas, let us show you what our beyond organic products are really like. Come out to the farm and bring your children. We want to meet your standards because at the end of the day, those are the standards that really matter.